


抽脂术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市


抽脂术 is a minimally-invasive procedure that can make dramatic improvements for patients who have tried their best and still need help achieving their ultimate goal. 男人 and women turn to lipo to shed those final few pounds and achieve the most desirable contour in their abdomen, 臀部, 侧翼, 手臂和大腿. 这个过程提供了持久的, natural-looking results with 最小的停机时间 and is very helpful when diet and exercise just aren’t quite enough.



注重细节 & 艺术

Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森和博士. 米歇尔·西弗特几乎每天都做抽脂手术, 与所有年龄和身体类型的患者一起工作,同时保持安全, 对称和自然的外表. Our board-certified plastic surgeons prefer minimally-invasive techniques and have an outstanding record of patient satisfaction.

两个博士. Donaldson和Dr. Sieffert are revered by patients for their excellent results and their warm bedside manner.



如果你试着注意你的饮食和定期锻炼, 但你还是有多余脂肪的地方, 你很可能需要做抽脂手术. This surgical procedure works best when there are isolated bulges around the thighs and waist, 肚脐以下, 在手臂后面, 在下巴下面或者其他隐蔽的地方.

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    & 目标物质 

    抽脂术 surgery may also be desirable if you wish to enhance the curves and contours of your body. 如果你想突出你的“沙漏型”身材,我们的外科医生可以帮助你, 扩大大腿之间的空隙,或者让膝盖内侧变平. 抽脂术 is not an obesity treatment; however, 它已被证明可以改善某些人的胆固醇水平.

    抽脂手术的候选资格不取决于年龄、体型或性别. Younger people have a higher rate of success with liposuction due to increased skin elasticity. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. Sieffert will assess your anatomy at your consultation to determine whether the procedure is appropriate.

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    • 肿胀/湿吸脂术(SAL或吸脂辅助抽脂术)
    • Vaser(超声或超声辅助脂肪分解)
    • Smart脂肪激光抽脂
    • Cool脂肪 (cryo-抽脂术)
    • Power脂肪 (PAL或动力辅助抽脂)

    我们不提供Smart脂肪. 我们的医生通常更喜欢SAL, 动力辅助吸脂和Vaser/UAL,因为它们经过时间考验的结果, 一致性和安全性.


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    所有的医疗状况都应与医生讨论. Donaldson或Dr. 在你做最后决定之前仔细考虑一下. 在您的咨询下, our team will go over your medical history to assess risks and determine whether any further testing, 转介或干预可能是必要的.


是的,我们的外科医生会做脂肪 360. This specific 抽脂术 technique is defined by the way that it targets multiple areas in the midsection during just one surgical session. It typically targets the abdomen, waist, “Love Handles” (or 侧翼), middle back and lower back.

吸脂费用因多种因素而有很大差异, 包括使用的技术, 需要去除多少脂肪, 其他正在执行的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网等等. 因为这个原因, 抽脂手术的价格从4美元起不等,000 to $20,总共000美元. It is difficult to provide a truly accurate cost estimation without first understanding your unique goals and desires, 是什么让咨询如此重要.


抽脂是局部澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网腹部脂肪的好方法, 当一个鼓包存在于相对有弹性的皮肤下. 腹部除皱也可以去除腹部脂肪, 同时修复下面的肌肉轮廓, 重塑肚脐,收紧松弛的皮肤. 大多数患者只能选择其中一种,而不是两者兼而有之.


作为整形手术的实践, we are uniquely qualified to give you a true and honest analysis of what procedure is going to yield the best results for you. 我们的兴趣在于帮助你做到最好, 受过良好教育的你自己的决定, 我们永远不会推荐你不需要的手术.

全面了解腹部除皱VS. 脂肪

我们会第一个说,你越健康, 手术后你的身体就越容易愈合. Dr. Donaldson和Dr. Sieffert recommend that you are within ten to twenty pounds of your reasonable, typical body weight. 大多数澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在一生中体重会增加或减少10到20磅, 只要你在这个范围内, 那么你的抽脂效果就不会受到影响. 如果你预计会有更大的体重波动, then it is best to make some progress before having surgery so revisions are less likely.

营养、锻炼 & 生活方式的选择将大有帮助

你也应该戒掉不健康的习惯, 比如喝酒和抽烟, 在手术前的那段时间里. Our surgeons strongly advise their patients to quit smoking for at least two weeks before surgery and two weeks after surgery in order to avoid infections, 伤口并发症和愈合问题. 我们的工作人员很乐意帮助您提前计划这些生活方式的改变.

某些药物和膳食补充剂会损害愈合, 或者导致更多的出血, 瘀伤和疤痕组织. Dr. Donaldson或Dr. Sieffert will provide a list of some of the most common contraindicated substances; however, it is wise to cross-check the side effects of anything you are taking yourself to be sure.

准备好你的家 & 恢复办公室

在头一两天,你需要一个舒适的地方休息和放松, 因为你的行动将受到限制. Take care of physical projects in advance, because you will not be ready for heavy chores right away. It is best to recruit a family member or a good friend to be available to assist you for at least the first twenty-four hours. 大多数澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台恢复得很快,但最好还是采取预防措施.

抽脂术 involves the precise removal of localized fat deposits to enhance body contours and proportions. This is an outpatient procedure that can be performed under local or general anesthesia depending on the amount of fat removed. 开始, the board-certified plastic surgeon makes small incisions strategically located near the target areas. 通过这些切口, 一根被称为套管的细空心管被插入并连接到一个吸引装置上.

对细节一丝不苟, 外科医生在皮肤下操作套管, 轻轻地分解并吸出多余的脂肪细胞, 雕刻所需的轮廓. 手术的持续时间取决于澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域的数量和大小. 完成后, 切口被仔细缝合, you will be provided with a compression garment to aid in healing and reduce swelling.


和所有的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台一样,抽脂术也存在固有的风险. Complications are rare but it is best to be aware of them in advance so you can weigh the pros and cons of surgery and be able to recognize them early if they occur.

与吸脂有关的最常见的风险是细微的外观差异, 如轮廓缺陷或不对称, 皱纹皮肤上的波纹或凹痕, 或者沟槽的外观. 轮廓异常通常发生在患者皮肤过多或松弛时, 它们通常可以通过紧肤手术或脂肪转移来修复.


  • 出血
  • 感染
  • 感觉变化或慢性疼痛
  • 肿胀和水肿
  • 麻醉并发症
  • 不规则的色素沉着
  • 血凝块
  • 损伤对神经、血管、肌肉或器官等深层结构的损伤
  • 液体积聚

我们的团队将在您咨询期间彻底解决这些风险, 在手术前的知情同意过程中你会再次看到他们的名单.

在手术前、手术中和手术后都要服用止痛药. Lidocaine/Marcaine local anesthesia (numbing medication) will continue to linger in the operated areas even after you return home the same day. Your compression garment will cover the treated areas and provide supportive comfort as well. Compression is advised for two to four weeks as it continues to minimize swelling even as your activity level increases.

在这段时间之后, you may find Lycra or spandex exercise garments more comfortable as a transition or bridge therapy. You will never notice the tiny dissolvable sutures beneath the skin and they will be gone in a few weeks. The surgical glue overlying the incisions will gradually peel off in the shower after 1-2 weeks.


  • 第1 - 6天这是你的手术产生戏剧性效果的时候, 接着是淤青和肿胀. 在这个阶段,你已经能够看到进步.
  • 第六天-第六周这是你的身体消除肿胀的时候, 炎症, 手术后留下的液体和受伤的脂肪细胞. 这一时期带来了进一步的紧缩效应.
  • 第6周-大约第6个月: This is the period in which scar tissue sets in and has a final “shrink wrap” effect. Patients often describe a slow and steady continuation of improvements in their contour even six months out from surgery! 最终结果至少要等到6个月后才能测量.


抽脂术通常不会留下疤痕, 因为切口很小,而且经常隐藏在雀斑附近, 肚脐内侧, 发际线附近, 或者在已有的疤痕或妊娠纹上. 当更多的区域或更大的区域被澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网时,更多的疤痕是必要的.

所有的伤疤都会随着时间的推移而消失,有些甚至会完全消失. 你的疤痕取决于你的皮肤类型, your activity level immediately after surgery and your compliance with post-operative instructions. 在您的咨询下, we assess your skin and give you a more accurate estimation of your personal chance for scarring.


手术后, you will meet with our patient care team to learn about the most current scar creams and therapies. 类固醇注射,磨皮,激光换肤,还有 Morpheus8 很少需要,因为疤痕很小吗.


在哥伦布选择抽脂的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, 在俄亥俄州的唐纳森整形外科医院,可以切开很小的切口, 最小的停机时间, 结果很漂亮. This procedure often provides the final contour improvement after diet and exercise have reached their limits. 我们邀请您今天与我们取得澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, 安排你的咨询,看看你是否是一个好的候选人!

